Herbert Muyinda is a social anthropologist and Senior Lecturer at the Child Health and Development Centre (CHDC), College of Health Sciences, Makerere University. Muyinda’s research interests centre on the socio-behavioral sciences with a particular focus on vulnerable populations. He has previously done research on mental illness, disability, pulmonary rehabilitation, and nutrition, and early childhood development. Currently, Muyinda is the Principal Investigator of a longitudinal (cohort) study focused on exploring, developing and testing transformative interventions to build HIV prevention services and to promote HIV and AIDS care in post-conflict settings (in northern Uganda). The study is a collaboration between Makerere University and the University of British Columbia, funded by Canadian Institute for Health Research. The goal is to explore, develop and test culturally-safe, strengths-based, trauma-informed, and technology-enhanced (CSTT) interventions among war affected populations. Muyinda is also the current Director of CHDC, a multi-disciplinary research and teaching department in the School of Medicine, College of Health Sciences at Makerere University.
1. Muyinda, H and Whyte S R. (2011) Disability and Poverty in Uganda. In: Eide H.A and Ingstad B. (edits) Disability and Poverty: A Global Challenge.The Policy Press Publications, London.
2. S.Patel, P.Spittal, H.Muyinda, G.Oyat, & N.Sewankambo (2011) The Wayo Programme in Northern Uganda: Building on Traditional Assets in Supporting Acholi Young Women and Girls in the Context of War and HIV: In Myriam Denov, Richard Maclure and Campbell Kathryn: Children's Rights and International Development: Lessons and Challenges from the Field. London. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN-10: 0230606822/ISBN/13: 978-0230606821
3. Jitta Jessica, Muyinda Herbert., Ostergaard Nielsen Kathrine & Ebba Holme Hansen (2011). Quality Medicine Use for Children in Uganda: ChildMed, Copenhagen, ISBN: 9970 05 041-9.
4. MacElroy T, Spittal P, Atim A, Tebere L, and Muyinda H. (2010). Mothering in a Time of Conflict: Acholi Women's Experience of Child Rearing in the Displacement Camps of Northern uganda. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, JMI Vol 1. No 1.
5. Whyte, S.R. and Muyinda, H. 2007. Wheels and New Legs: Mobilization in Uganda. In: Ingstad, B. and Whyte, S.R. 2007 (eds) Disability in Local and Global Worlds, pp. 287-310. London: University of California Press
6. Robert Pool, James Whitworth and Herbert Muyinda, 2004. Combating the spread of HIV/AIDS. Health and population, London
7. Muyinda, H, Nakuya, J. Whitworth, J. A. G. & Pool, R. Community sex education among adolescents in rural Uganda: utilizing indigenous institutions AIDS CARE (January 2004), VOL. 16, NO. 1, pp. 69_/79
8. Muyinda, H., Nakuya J, Robert Pool, and James Whitworth; "Harnessing the Senga Institution of Adolescent Sex Education for the Control of HIV and STDs in Rural Uganda", AIDS CARE, Vol. 15, No 2, pp 159 - 167; London, 2003 9. Muyinda, H. "Ask Your Aunty: Sex Education in Rural Uganda." London/Entebbe: U.K. Medical Research Council/Medical Research Council Programme on AIDS, Uganda Virus Research Institute. August, 2003
10. Whyte, S.R; Muyinda H; "Finding People Where They Live: The View From A Tricycle In Busia", in Sally Hartley (Ed); CBR , a Participatory Strategy in Africa; Centre for International Child Health, University College London, (2003) 11. Muyinda, H., Jane Kengeya, Robert Pool, and James Whitworth; "Traditional Sex Counselling and STI/HIV Prevention Among Young Women in Rural Uganda", Culture, Health and Sexuality, Vol. 3, No 3, pp 353-361; London, 2001
12. Walker, D; Muyinda, H; Foster, S; Kengeya-Kayondo ,J and Whitworth, J. "The Quality of Care by Private Practitioners for Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Uganda"; Health Policy and Planning, 16(1): 35-40 (2001)
13. Muyinda, H.; Seeley, J.; Pickering, H. and Barton, T.; "Social aspects of AIDS-related stigma in rural areas", Health & Place; Vol.3, pp. 143-147; London; (1997)
14. Muyinda, H; Barton, T. 1995. Disabilities: incomplete immunisation can be a danger to your child. African Women and Health. Vol. 2, No.3 (4-6).
15. Muyinda, H and Barton, T.; "Assessment of health risks in vulnerable populations: Indicators of selective non-investment by Ugandan families in physically disabled rural children" In Ekberg, K and Mjaavatn, P.E. (eds); Children at Risk: Selected Papers; Norwegian Center for Child Research, University of Trondheim, Norway; (1993)
Address: Child Health and development Centre, Makerere University, College of Health Sciences, P.O Box 6717 Kampala, Tel. 256-414-541684/530325, Mob. 0772-407099, Fax: 256-041-531677, herbert.muyinda@mak.ac.ug or muyindaherbert@hotmail.com
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